Friday, July 6, 2007

:: ya storyline, ya! ::

Like a stubborn mule the EVE storyline can be a bit cantankerous. When that happens my chaps tend to bunch as I'm pulling my ten gallon hat over my head with my fiery red mustache dropping around my wee 'lil boots. Okay, maybe I'm no Yosemite Sam, but I can emulate his propensity towards uttering objectionable blasphemy.

For the longest time now I've been stuck with no new storyline missions becoming available. That changed recently as I logged in one evening to find a letter waiting for me to read. It was an invitation to accept a quest from a storyline agent. Naturally the offer could not be accepted over the radio signals. I would have to fly to the system where I'd find the space station that the agent worked out of to accept her offer.

A benefit that is built in mission offers is asking for more detail. With that in mind I was able to review what was needed. As it turned out my faction needed additional resources to support the war effort. Fortunately for me the station that I was moored in had the resources that was needed for the job. What became quickly evident was that although I've got a cruiser with plenty of storage for a fighting vessel I had barely enough space for the full load. So after dropping off my cargo I barely squeezed in the minerals that was needed for the storyline mission. Huzzah! So like an unburdened Han Solo, I then left with my cargo on rendezvous with my agent.

As I arrived at the storyline agents station I docked and then started a conversation with the agent. As the offer was made I quickly accepted. Next I had opened my cargo hold along with the stations item drop window to which I moved the minerals into. After that was completed I started another conversation with the storyline agent, who gave me a nice reward for my efforts, or lack thereof.

Now that I've completed that storyline mission, I'm left wondering what's next? My play time was so long between storyline missions that I don't know where I'm at and where the story is unfolding to next. Another question that I've got is whether my previous actions with a different type of agent prompted the storyline agent to become available? Up until now I've been performing missions for agents who are identified as security related. Just prior to the storyline agent I had several quests for a merchant agent. Hmm...this just may be a case for Mystery, Inc.

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